In the winter semester, the Institute of Finance and Commodity Markets offers the lecture Programming for Finance. In this course the students should be familiarized with the collection of data via Datastream, the word processing software LaTeX, as well as with the statistical software R. This should prepare the students in particular for writing empirical seminar papers and theses. The tasks are particularly focused on the empirical analysis of financial markets in order to give students an insight into tasks that are particularly relevant for work in the area of finance.

The course covers the following topics:
- Introduction to Datastream
- Introduction to R
- Empirical data analysis with R
- Introduction to LaTeX
The course is evaluated by an exam.
The course will be held weekly. The course will be held in English.
!!! Please remember to register in advance for Computer access of the ITS pool. If you do not already have access, you can obtain it in the ITS-Pool (building 1501, room 242). Please pay attention to the changed opening hours outside the semester period. !!!
Mr. Klöckner will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.